Bargaining Partners: Federal Government Dockyard Trades and Labour Council (Esquimalt) (West) (FGDTLC (W)) Collective Agreement Expiry Date: 30. January, 2023 Dispute Resolution Mechanism: Conciliation Body: UNIFOR Collective Agreement Expiration Date: June 30, 2022 Dispute Resolution Mechanism: ARBITRATION Groups AV, NR, RE, SH, SP, NRC (LS, IR, RO-RCO, TR), CRA (AFS), OSFI, CNSC (NUREG), NEB and NFB have negotiated and ratified new collective agreements. Some groups continue their important work at the negotiating table. We stand in solidarity for a fair deal for every PIPSC member. Training Follow us for special online training on different aspects of the new collective agreement. Now, sign up for your best at work and your family every day. We have gone into these negotiations to reach a central agreement that recognizes and supports it – and we have achieved results. “The SCC is inspired by the Public Service Labour Relations Act and fully respects the rights of all bargaining partners to represent the interests of their members through legitimate union activities that do not violate collective agreements and legislation,” the statement said, adding that the SCC does not specifically address collective bargaining. We have an ambitious collective agreement that will benefit all members of UCCO-SACC-CSN.

Our commitment and engagement will determine the results we achieve. In this text, we witness the segregation of the risks associated with employment contracts between prison officers and the state – and we show the transcendence of risk logics, from segregation cells to community escorts for rehabilitation and liberation planning. Women in detention are constantly being pushed back into the re-registered form of stupid but potentially dangerous returns — even more so than male prisoners. Instead, the purpose of women`s escorts must be justified and their behavioral characteristics acceptable. The text of the comprehensive agreement, as well as the various UCCO publications on the criminal treatment of women convicted by the state, reflects the anti-feminist counter-reaction that was triggered in the days following the publication of the Fifth Estate video, as well as the Arbour inquiry that called for an end to long-term segregation. Dell, Filmore and Kilty (reference Dell, Fillmore and Kilty2009) argue that the punishable treatment of women held by the CSC, especially those who injure themselves or are violent, is rooted in a misogynistic ideology that finds women attentive, manipulative and even seductive in their behaviour towards employees. Views recorded on cambridge core between September 20, 2017 and December 4, 2020. This data is updated every 24 hours.

Although we signed our collective agreement in February 2018, it has already expired on May 31, 2018. That`s why, last fall, we embarked on a tour of the 49 inhabitants to collect your demands before preparing our draft negotiations for this ongoing round of negotiations. 1 Union of Canadian Correctional Officers – Union of Correctional Officers of Canada – Confederation of National Trade Unions As already described in this article, UCCO has repeatedly called for better protection than workers against “offenders” infected with infectious and violent diseases, thereby endangering prison officers. For example, in 2014, the Conservative federal government introduced Bill C-4 – an omnibus bill that contained amendments to the Canadian Labour Code, in particular, that requires all rights-based claims, such as refusal to work or work-related injury claims, by health and safety officials appointed by the Department of Finance, to be tried. The definition of “danger” in the workplace has also been capped in Bill C-4 to mean “any danger, condition or activity that can reasonably be expected to pose an immediate or serious threat to the life or health of a person exposed to it.” UCCO condemned

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