An agreement the object or consideration of which is unlawful is called a void agreement. In simpler terms, it means that any agreement that goes against the law or that is against public policy is not enforceable in a court of law.

In legal terms, an agreement can be defined as a contract where two or more parties agree to enter into a legal contract. The agreement can be made either in writing or by word of mouth. However, if the object or consideration of the agreement is illegal, then the agreement itself is considered void under the law.

Examples of void agreements include agreements to commit a crime, agreements that promote illegal activities, and agreements that infringe upon the rights of others. Additionally, agreements that are against public policy – such as those that promote discrimination, monopoly, or bribery – are also considered void.

It is important to note that a void agreement is different from a voidable agreement. A voidable agreement is one that is valid and enforceable until someone chooses to challenge it. On the other hand, a void agreement is one that was never valid from the beginning due to its unlawful object or consideration.

The legal consequences of entering into a void agreement can be severe. If one party breaches the agreement, the other party has no legal recourse to enforce it. Furthermore, if a party finds themselves in a legal dispute involving a void agreement, they may be sanctioned by the court for violating the law.

In conclusion, it is crucial to ensure that any agreement that is entered into is lawful and does not contravene the law or public policy. A void agreement can have far-reaching legal consequences for all parties involved, and it is essential to seek legal advice if you are unsure if your agreement is valid and enforceable.

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